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بيت التمويل الكويتي

Kuwait Finance House

Its legal establishment began in 1973, then a decree-law was issued establishing KFH in 1977, with a capital of 10 million Kuwaiti dinars, with the contribution of the Government of the State of Kuwait amounting to 49% of the capital and 51% as a public shareholding. It is listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange with capital Market capital estimated at 2 billion Kuwaiti dinars until the end of December 2009, with total assets amounting to 11,291 billion Kuwaiti dinars, and the volume of deposits amounting to 7,262 billion dinars. beginning of its spread Since the eighties, KFH has witnessed multiple activities in international expansion, establishing independent banks in Turkey, Bahrain and Malaysia, in addition to its contribution to other Islamic banks. Its investment activities in the United States of America, Europe, East Asia and the Middle East have also contributed to being an important pillar for achieving the growing rewarding profits. in Kuwait Finance House. KFH has been expanding its local branch network to reach 55 branches, in addition to supporting it with special sections to serve women, and adopting the concept of customer service outside the branches, and has maintained its position as a leading entity in terms of using the latest technology to meet the requirements of various activities. It works through it, via the Internet and SMS, as well as the telephone service “Allo Baitak”, which was appreciated by Purdue University in the United States for its outstanding level of customer service.

Region : مبارك الكبير
Address : Abdullah Almubarak St., Kuwait City, Kuwait
Business hours : Work from Monday to Friday
Website : https://www.kfh.com/home/Personal.html
Location on Map